• Resolved mkarena



    Is this possible with the free version to limit access to a file to a specific user ?

    I’m clicking on “The file’s author” to edit permissions but nothing happens…


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  • Plugin Author BWPS Team


    Hello @mkarena,

    Thank you for reaching our support!

    Using the free(Lite) version of the plugin, you can only grant access to the Admin users and the file’s author (by default).

    You can upgrade to our Gold version to grant your protected file access to:

    • Logged-in users
    • No one (means no person is allowed to access your private files)
    • Anyone (means our plugin only blocks search indexing)
    • Custom Roles

    Feel free to reach back should you need further assistance. You can reach us by email at support(at)wpfolio.com for faster and more customized responses.

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