• Resolved fabinhoalmeida



    I come to ask for help with a problem we are facing with the plugin. Both the web stories published by us and the archive page of our installation are resulting in a 404 page error.

    We’ve tried everything, including disabling all plugins and using the default WordPress theme via Troubleshooting Mode through Troubleshooting, but the error still persists.

    I also tried to follow some recommendations given by you here for other users with the same problem, for example saving permalink settings, but it still didn’t solve it.

    It is worth noting that when the Web Stories post is in draft, it is possible to open the preview normally. In addition, it is also possible to access the web stories archive through the path https://xxx.com/?post_type=web-story , but not through https://xxx.com/web-stories/

    On plugin settings, ‘Stories Archive’ is selected as ‘Default’ and our post permalink format is /%category%/%postname%/

    Hope you can help us!

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  • Plugin Support Luckyna San


    Hi there @fabinhoalmeida, thanks for getting in touch. We’ll be happy to help but let’s gather some more details.

    1) Are you able to access the Permalink from the Stories Editor Document Panel?

    2) Could you try saving/publishing your story once more without making any changes? Does it work if you try duplicating the story and publishing that copy?

    3) Could you provide your Site Health information so we can have a closer look at your set up? You can share privately if you prefer.

    Thread Starter fabinhoalmeida


    Hi Luckyna,

    First, thank you for your support.

    1. Unfortunately not. It is only accessible to the preview when in draft via url: https://www.url.com/?post_type=web-story&p=800928&preview=true#development=1 . But not through the published permalink. When published, it becomes inaccessible resulting in a 404 page (which in our installation is configured to redirect to the home page)
    2. We have already tried republishing this way and also duplicating and publishing, but the behavior remains the same resulting in a 404 page error.
    3. I sent the form with all the requested information.

    I hope you can help us. We are looking forward to having our stories content normally available..


    Plugin Support Luckyna San


    @fabinhoalmeida Could you try changing the stories archives setting to create your own and then back to default to see if that makes a difference?

    Could you check if you experience the same issue when using a Chrome incognito window?

    Thread Starter fabinhoalmeida


    Hi Luckyna,

    Fortunately, posting web stories is now working normally!!! Thanks!!!

    However, the stories archive remains problematic. I tried the procedure you suggested, but when reverting to default it doesn’t work as it should pointing to ‘../web-stories/’, it just keeps pointing to the created itself.

    Any suggestions?

    Thread Starter fabinhoalmeida



    I tried again and now it’s working normally.

    Thank you very much for your support and attention.

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