• Resolved nisto2016


    I am using Mailpoet 3 on my German website.

    Unfortunately I can not use the German formal language package (formal salutation used for business clients) for Mailpoet. In case I select this language package in the WordPress Settings the Mailpoet-Plugin switches to the English language file.
    This means that some important text parts, which are automatic generated from the Mailpoet-Plugin, are either in English language or in German informal language.

    How can I solve this problem so that my Business customers read automatically generated mails with formal expressions only, e.g. “Display problems? Open this email in your web browser” gets translated into formal German?

    I would need something like a “mailpoet-de_DE_FORMAL.po”-file…
    Does this exist somewhere and how could I install it?

    Thank you very much for your kind support,
    best regards

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi Nicola,

    MailPoet doesn’t currently have/support informal/formal versions.

    Our recommendation would be to download the German PO file from here; https://www.transifex.com/wysija/mp3/dashboard/ and then edit it with PO Edit and rename it to the German formal version and upload it with your changes in /wp-content/languages or directly in the languages folder in MailPoet.


    Thread Starter nisto2016


    Thank you very much for your kind support.

    I could not find a download-file under your named url, but probably I can also take the po-file which is already in my wordpress folders after my MailPoet-installation?

    One final question: Does an update of MailPoet overwrite my edited file?

    Thank you very much again and best regards

    Hi Nicola,

    An update would overwrite the file. But you can place it in your wp-content/languages folder instead and then your version will be used instead of the one in MailPoet.


    Thread Starter nisto2016


    Hi, Thank you very much, is clear now and works 🙂

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