• Resolved spielo


    Hi, is it possible to setup the hold website by Geolocation? redirects example.com/posts to example.com/at/posts like website is a clone only advertising is different.

    like this code [ifso-redirect url=’ https://www.example.com/at/$1 ‘ type=’js’]

    • This topic was modified 1 month ago by spielo.
    • This topic was modified 1 month ago by spielo.
    • This topic was modified 1 month ago by spielo.
Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Plugin Author IfSo Dynamic Content


    Hi @spielo,

    Yes. Please check out our “Geolocation Redirect Templates” option. I beleive it’s exectly what you are looking for :


    Thread Starter spielo


    Thanks works fine, but another question is, redirects works after site is loaded. problem is, user have to see only the geo content, but first they see the original content until redirects is done. is there any option to hide the original content or redirects asap?

    Plugin Author IfSo Dynamic Content


    Is your trigger being loaded using Ajax?

    The best results can be achieved by loading the trigger without Ajax. That means that if you are using a caching plugin on your site you need to exclude the relevant page from the page cache.

    No option is perfect, especially in your case where the redirection is likely embedded on several different pages.

    Please check out the 3 options under the title “How to create the smoothest redirect possible” on this page

    Thread Starter spielo


    hi, thanks and we leave at in the moment so, otherwise we kill the site performance. ok, last question, we add this trigger [ifso-redirect url=’example.com/de{{PATH}}’ type=’js’ ] and it works well but on the other end, if we do [ifso-redirect url=’https://www.example.com{{PATH}}’ type=’js’ ] we get a endless loop, about the folder /de is a own wordpress site, any trick or idea?

    regards for your help

    Plugin Author IfSo Dynamic Content


    Could you explain the use case? The loop is happening because the user is being redirected to the same page.

    In any case, you can use our ‘Triggering the conditional redirect once per user’ option to avoid this. You can find instructions under that title on our documentation page: https://www.if-so.com/help/documentation/conditional-redirect/

    Thread Starter spielo


    Hi, i found the right code and for all have the same issue, it must be

    [ifso-redirect url=’.example.com/de{{PATH}}’ type=’js’ condition=’NOT path_contains “de”‘]


    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by spielo.
Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
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