• Resolved TheGentAtWPforum


    Hello there!

    I’m using the free core along with the paid GeoDirectory Location Manager (althopugh problem exists in free version also), when I add a place, most fields are in German as is my installation. But the Region / State is called Northrhine Westfalia instead of the german Name Nordrhein Westfalen.
    Plus the adress is stated ‘house number street’ (like ’10 Downing Street’), but should be ‘street housenumber’ like ‘Downingstreet 10’ . Any chance it could be shown in german, do I have to change options anywhere, add/ or edit something or is it an OpenStreetMap issue outside of GeoDirectory?

    • This topic was modified 2 weeks, 1 day ago by TheGentAtWPforum. Reason: Added order of Street/ house number
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  • Plugin Author Stiofan



    We are not allowed to provide support for paid addons here (WP rules). Please open a ticket here: https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/



    Thread Starter TheGentAtWPforum


    Please read my post. As I stated, the problem occurs also only using the core plugin without the paid plugin.
    Appreciate the help!

    Plugin Author Stiofan


    One thing to check is that you have not added custom descriptions in the address custom field. If you have changed it from the defaults then translation will not work. You need to leave the descriptions as the default and do the translations in the translation files, even if that includes english.



    Thread Starter TheGentAtWPforum


    I added business hours and telephone number, but definitely need those fields.
    Any chance I can get a workaround as I’m sure other german customers have this issues, too?

    Thanks, Holger

    Plugin Author Stiofan


    I’m not sure you understood what i meant. The address custom field after clicking “show advanced” has fields to change field labels like “Region” to other things, if you change those then they will not be able to be translated. This has nothing to do with telephone or business hours?



    Thread Starter TheGentAtWPforum


    Ah, got it now. I added a german translation to the field instead of keeping them unaltered. Now everything works like charm. THANK YOU for letting me know! Problem solved.
    Much appreciated!

    Plugin Author Stiofan


    Awesome! 🙂

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