• Resolved druideniggi


    Width of footer with widgets exceeds page width in desktop view. Mobile is everything ok.Has someone an idea to solve the problem?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi there,

    try clearing you caches – eg. autotptimize.
    If there is still an issue, disable autoptimize and any other caches. then let us know.

    pro-tip; you can disable Autoptimize on a per-request basis by adding ?ao_noptimize=1 to the URL.

    if the problem is not there at that point, some autoptimize (re-)configuration might be needed to fix this. there are troubleshooting tips and info on how to exclude in the AO FAQ.

    hope this helps debugging,
    frank (ao dev)

    Thread Starter druideniggi


    I found the error: Site Orgin widgets were interfering with the page
    Thank you for your suggestions.

    Glad to hear you found the issue!

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