• Resolved sidzeller


    i tried just changing it’s position from before to after content and it just wrecked the output of every entry. why is this and what things do i avoid tinkering with for next time? thanks

    if theres an easy fix when this occurs that’ll be great too

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by sidzeller.
Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Plugin Author Kostas Stathakos


    Hi, did you get this sorted? Although more information is needed, it seems like it may an issue more specific to your website / setup.

    Thread Starter sidzeller


    Well, I had to physically re-arrange every single movie entry I posted which is around 600+ posts lol. A lot of hard work just to get a clean output again. I set it to “before” content then when I decided to change it to “after” everything went south. Updating the post and manually moving the entry if there is content fixed it.

    Honestly, this is the best plugin and I only use it as a shortcode given that I don’t want to complicate matters when I use it as part of WordPress, that way it’s easier to troubleshoot. Sometimes though, when TMDB goes offline, everything turns to garbage heh.

    my movie blog is at https://foundaz.com if you wanna check out your sweet plugin at work 😀 Thank you for this and it’s what I’ve always wanted. If you want you can use my site as a showcase site for your plugin as I understand it’s tough to look for screenshots of what it can look like when used properly. Thanks again.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by sidzeller.
    Plugin Author Kostas Stathakos



    Nice site, thanks for sharing and your kind words. Will need to add a showcase section to the mmdb website!


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