• Resolved liltrucks


    Testing your plugin, found your function always fires at image upload field area that outputs ‘The images or files with pale red background have been rejected by an administrator user. Likewise, files with a pale yellow background are awaiting approval. Files that are awaiting approval and rejected files, cannot be shown in the frontend.’

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter liltrucks


    That irrelevant message never goes away.

    Plugin Support Garret L


    Hi @liltrucks

    Thank you for reaching out about this. I’m Garret from the customer success team and I’ll be happy to help with this.

    This message shows when the Hide images until admin approves them option is enabled. This is so users know if their uploaded images have been approved or not. Unfortunately, we don’t have a way of hiding this message at this time.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.


    Thread Starter liltrucks


    LOL okay, thanks for replying Garret. That’s a very random warning message that has nothing to do with “images will be hidden until approved”. I mean, red and yellow, WHAT?! Why not change that alert to be more appropriate? I’ll do it in my functions file, but shouldn’t have needed to ask what the heck it means.

    Plugin Support Garret L


    Hi @liltrucks

    You’re welcome.

    As mentioned, this is so users know if their uploaded images have been approved or not so it is indeed related to that setting. I’m not sure if there is some confusion by our wording, but you can see an example in my screenshot here: https://imgur.com/fEg6S8O

    I hope that clears up any confusion. If you have any questions or concerns with this, please do let me know!


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