• Resolved joekissell


    When this plugin was just Welcome Email Editor, it worked great for me. But now that SMTP features have been added, it has broken my contact form notifications, because Swift SMTP now *always* substitutes the From name and email address in its settings (or, if non, the default WordPress settings) in outgoing emails, which is NOT what I want. My contact form (Gravity Forms) explicitly sets the From address and name I want to use for each individual message. How can I get back to the original behavior?

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  • I have to echo @joekissell – we have used the Welcome Email plugin for years without problem. With the latest updates ALL of our emails sent from other plugins are now using the Swift SMTP settings, so appear to be from the user who sends the Welcome Email!

    I would suggest adding an option to disable anything other than the Welcome Email element of the plugin for people who only want and use this functionality.

    Plugin Author David Vongries


    We are going to look into this and provide a solution asap. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!

    Plugin Author David Vongries


    We have just pushed an update to the plugin, adding 2 settings to force the “From Name” and “From Email” set by Swift SMTP. These settings are unchecked by default, meaning updating to version 6.1.1 should automagically fix the issue for you guys 🙂

    Thread Starter joekissell


    I’m sorry to say I can’t determine whether the fix helps, because version 6.1.1 completely breaks my contact form. I get a critical error every time the form is submitted:

    An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 22 of the file /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/welcome-email-editor/sb_welcome_email_editor.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required ‘/var/www/html/tc/wp-content/plugins/welcome-email-editor/helpers/class-screen-helper.php’

    For fun, I tried replacing the new version of class-screen-helper.php with the old version, but it still throws an error.

    Plugin Author David Vongries


    The error message here points to a line where we simply load a file from the plugin. That doesn’t make much sense at first glance. Still trying to figure out what the issue is here. What version of GF do you have installed? Does reinstalling Swift SMTP and Gravity Forms make any difference?

    Thread Starter joekissell


    Ah, I found the problem, and it was (sort of) user error. I was using a different SMTP plugin to do a very specific thing, and with the old Welcome Email Editor, it worked just fine. When I installed 6.1.1, it wanted to be my one and only SMTP plugin, and having the other one there too was what actually led to that error. So, I have everything working now (thanks), but just as a data point, I never needed or wanted SMTP features from this plugin, and I would have preferred to keep those elements in separate plugins.

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