• I am a long time user of WP.

    Lately i have a problem with the Home page, from draft, with all links and para’s very much as I would like it, to preview. (preventing publish). Tried both changing page and a new page; same result.

    The whole set-up changes. Suddenly all words with Capitals and no paragraphs anymore. Everything as a mass together.

    I have recently installed the plugins Optimonster and AIOSEO. Can they have

    anything to do with that; hesitate to try that myself first as really not knowing what I am doing.

    Please help.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I just want to add to the author of this plugin if you set

    ‘wpautop’ => false, the p tags start working again and do not disappear in the wp editor.

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