• Resolved thomei



    My “customer” is a none profit organization. They never ever sell anything. User asses is restricted by WP in general. (by private WP) No need for payment process at all.

    – How to set all coursed/lessions to “free”, “no paymant” by default?
    – How to remove the “free” label on lessons by default?
    – How to disable payment process in general?

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by thomei.
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  • Hi @thomei,

    Any course you create you will have to create an access plan for enrollment. In the access plan you can select No Payment Required.

    As a heads up, if you want lessons to be free themselves any quizzes you place on them will not be able to be taken. Free lessons also do not track progress for unenrolled users.

    That said, to hide the “free” label you will want to use some custom CSS to set it to display none! This should work:

    span.llms-icon-free {
        display: none !important;

    We have information on adding CSS here: https://lifterlms.com/docs/add-custom-css-using-wordpress-customizer/

    You can remove all checkout gateways by going into LifterLMS->Settings->Checkout and if it is not already done, disable the manual gateway.

    Let us know if you have any further questions!

    Thanks and take care,

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