• Resolved friskevision


    I’ve searched this forum for the last two hours and everything I’ve tried hasn’t worked. I have no problem admitting it could be me.

    I’m using the kubrick theme and just want to make some small changes. I’ve been able to change the background and replace it with an image. I was also able to change the header.

    BUT, I cannot get rid of the gray border around the content area of the blog.

    If anyone can please help I would greatly appreciate it.

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  • I believe it’s actually the edges of the background image. Look in /themes/default/images/

    kubrickbg-ltr/jpg, kubrickbg-rtl.jpg, kubrickbg-ltrwide.jpg and kubrickfooter.jpg

    …modify images as required.

    Thread Starter friskevision


    Hi Clayton,
    Thanks for the reply! Stupid question, I don’t know how to get to that folder. I only see how to get to edit css in the dashboard.


    You will need to use an ftp client or the file manager in your hosts control panel. I recommend that you make a backup of the theme files first, thus saving all of your edits prior to changing the images, and store a copy locally for safekeeping just in case. I also recommend that you rename your customized default (Kubrick) theme to prevent accidental over-writing on any future upgrade of WordPress. Every WordPress package contains the “default” theme, so you can see the problem that arises if you leave your customized theme named default and over-write it.

    Thread Starter friskevision


    Thanks Clayton!

    You’re welcome!

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