• Resolved amir0gold


    Hi, i have created a form with metform and everything is ok in editor but nothing show up in frontend, any tips?

    And please take a look at the console in the given link, you see many errors.

    Thank you.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Reedwanul Haque


    Hi @aryanrajseo ,

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    This issue could occur due to the Dom Error. The DOM Error most of the time appears due to –

    • Using HTML Markup on the Form. Since our MetForm is developed using the REACT framework, it will not parse the Invalid HTML/External HTML Markups and as a result, the form will not display on the Frontend or give this type of error. Most often, the Markups come from external widgets like- The text Editor Widget. Please check the console of that page where you have integrated the MetForm. Removing those external HTML or Widgets from the form will solve the issue.
    • Then Make sure you are using a unique name for each input field(screenshot).
    • Caching plugin. Sometimes, the Caching plugin Minifies one of the core files of MetForm and that causes the form to not appear on the Frontend. Since MetForm is already minified for giving the best performance, it doesn’t require any additional minification So if you are using any optimization or caching plugin, can you please check by disabling that? If that solves your issue, I will let you know what needs to be done to keep using MetForm while the caching plugin is activated.

    Let me know if the above points help to solve the issue.

    Best Regards,

    Plugin Support Moin Munna


    Hello @amir0gold,
    I hope you’re doing fine.

    We haven’t received any update from you till the last response and assuming that the issue is resolved now. For that reason, I’m marking this thread as resolved. If you need further assistance, never hesitate to create a new thread. We are always here to assist you.

    Best Regards,

    Hello, I’m having this problem too. Can I get information on how to solve it?

    Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by burcuerden.
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