• Resolved maurogianfre


    hi, I created a form and after inserting the slug in my wordpress page it doesn’t appear.

    under the photo you can see a flashing gray dot… that should be the form.

    up until now I have always used the plugin but from one moment to the next it stopped letting me view the forms.

    can you help me? Thank you

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by maurogianfre.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Faisal Ahammad


    Hey @maurogianfre

    Please go to Ninja Forms → Get Help, copy the System Report, and paste it here so we can view your system report. This will assist us in identifying the root cause of the issue.

    You can also disable your third-party plugins one by one to determine which one is conflicting and causing the form not to load. Thank you.

    Give it a try, and let me know how that goes! 😄

    Hello @maurogianfre !

    I understand your frustration that your newly created form does not show up. When you said, “…inserting the slug in my wordpress page it doesn’t appear,” did you mean to say that after you inserted the shortcode, it did not appear?

    By the way, have you added any new plugins or updated any plugins? My suggestion is to create a staging site and copy your production site over to it. Then disable all plugins except Ninja Forms to see if the form does appear. If it does appear, it is a plugin issue. Now, to find the offending plugin, turn one plugin on at a time and check to see if the form appears.

    As @faisalahammad mentioned, do send a system report to the Ninja Forms Customer Care team as they can assist you while you do your own testing on your end.

    Hope to hear from you soon. And thank you for choosing Ninja Forms.

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by respectyoda.
    Thread Starter maurogianfre


    this is the system report. thanks to all!
    URL home: https://unibreak.it
    URL sito: https://unibreak.it
    Versione di Ninja Forms: 3.8.3
    Ninja Forms DB Version: 1.4
    Ninja Forms Gatekeeper: 46
    Ninja Forms "Dev Mode": Disabilitato
    WP Version: 6.5.3 - Supported
    WP multisito abilitato: No
    Info server web: Apache
    Versione PHP: 7.4.33
    MySQL Version: 5.5.5
    SQL Version Variable: 10.6.16-MariaDB-cll-lve
    Impostazioni locali PHP: negative_sign:
    WP Memory Limit: 40M
    WP Debug Mode: No
    Lingua WP: Predefinito
    Dimensioni di caricamento max WP:128 MB
    PHP Post Max Size: 128M
    Max livello di nesting immissioni:64
    PHP Time Limit: 299
    PHP Max Input Vars: 8000
    SUHOSIN Installato: No
    Indirizzo IP del server:
    Nome host: linp128.arubabusiness.it
    SMTP: localhost
    smtp_port: 25
    Fuso orario predefinito: Plugin
    Activated Plugins: Contact Form 7 da Takayuki Miyoshi versione 5.9.4
    Display PHP Version da David Gwyer versione 1.8
    Elementor da Elementor.com versione 3.21.5
    Everest Gallery Lite da Access Keys versione 1.1.0
    EWWW Image Optimizer da Exactly WWW versione 7.6.0
    Photo Gallery by Supsystic da supsystic.com versione 1.15.11
    XML Sitemap Generator for Google da Auctollo versione 4.1.19
    iubenda | All-in-one Compliance for GDPR / CCPA Cookie Consent + more da iubenda versione 3.10.1
    Ninja Forms da Saturday Drive versione 3.8.3
    Robo Gallery da RoboSoft versione 3.2.3
    Sp*tify Play Button for WordPress da Jonk @ Follow me Darling versione 2.11
    WP Event Aggregator da Xylus Themes versione 1.7.6
    Plugin Support Faisal Ahammad


    Hi @maurogianfre,

    It seems that the server configuration is good. Please try the following steps to see if they work:

    1. Update the PHP version to v8.x.
    2. Increase the WP Memory Limit to 256M or 512M from 40M. Guideline available here: https://blog.hubspot.com/website/wordpress-php-memory-limit.
    3. Disable all plugins except Ninja Forms to confirm that there are no conflicts.

    I also found a similar issue faced by another customer here: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/an-el-undefined-must-exist-in-dom/.

    If none of these steps help, please open a support ticket here: https://ninjaforms.com/contact/. The plugin support team will assist you in resolving the issue.

    Thread Starter maurogianfre


    it was caused by third parties cookies. thanks to all

    @maurogianfre, glad you found the culprit! Don’t hesitate to reach out to us in the near future should you have any questions or concerns. Once again, thank you for choosing NInja Forms!

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