• Resolved patrickjaszewski


    I’ve attempted to set fonts a few times, but the changes don’t stick despite checking the debugging box. I’ve temporarily deactivated the plugin until I can get it figured out.

    WordPress 5.0.2 running Foodie Pro Theme theme. Using Genesis 2.7.3. Hope that you can help me out!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author DannyCooper


    Hi @patrickjaszewski,

    Are the fonts resetting in the customizer or just not taking effect on the frontend?

    Thread Starter patrickjaszewski


    Actually both. They got set initially, I cleared my litespeed and browser cache (CDN set to development mode), and the frontend did not show the fonts. Then, I checked the customize view and the correct fonts were in the dropdown, but not appearing on the page. Clicking the debug checkbox set them in the back-end initially, but they didn’t appear on the frontend or the backend after clearing caches and refreshing.

    Thanks for your help @dannycooper.

    Plugin Author DannyCooper


    Hi @patrickjaszewski,

    Could you try with all plugins/caching disabled? I notice you have a few plugins (such as AMP) that could be interfering.

    Also, this may be easier to debug over email (team@fontsplugin.com).

    Plugin Author DannyCooper


    Closing for now, but if you do want to investigate this thoroughly, please email me.

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