• Resolved Agramonis



    til now I used cf7 and want to switch to wpforms.

    I searched for the possibility to make the validation messages flow like in cf7, but couldn’t find anything.

    Is that with wpforms possible too?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @agramonis – Are you referring to customize Validation Message of form fields?

    If no, I am sorry for the confusion, would you mind sharing additional information here?


    Thread Starter Agramonis


    Hi, yes, but in the documentation I couldn’t find what I want. Sry, I’ve just seen that I misspelled what I search, I am talking about floating validation messages.

    Here is an example: https://www.webillusions.it/kontakt/


    Hi @agramonis

    Yes, WPForms supports floating validation messages for its form fields. When a user submits a form with invalid input, WPForms will display an error message that floats next to the corresponding field, rather than displaying a separate error message below the form. This helps to make it clear which fields need to be corrected, and can improve the user experience of your forms.

    For example, you can check the validation message for Email and Name field in this demo form.

    Hope this helps! 🙂

    Hey @agramonis

    We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread for now. But if you’d like us to assist further, please feel welcome to continue the conversation.


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  • The topic ‘Floating validation messages’ is closed to new replies.