• Resolved doctormike


    Reading your structure guides, they seem to say that only a pyramid structure will do. What about a small site (16 pages total) for a specific service (and a few variations of that service) – is it okay to just use a flat structure, with all pages in the main menu?

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  • Plugin Support Suwash



    Your question is a bit outside the scope of the support we provide. Giving SEO advice, in most cases, requires a deep analysis of your site to provide accurate advice for your specific setup, even for what may seem to be a simple question.

    At Yoast, we want to help people improve their site and to make SEO attainable for everyone. So we offer <a href=”https://yoast.com/academy/”>Yoast Academy</a> courses which are included in our Yoast SEO Premium subscription, several great plugins, and a <a href=”https://yoast.com/seo-blog”>comprehensive SEO blog</a>.

    We understand that not everyone has the interest or time to learn SEO. <strong>Our main advice at this point</strong> would be to check for a local SEO company and see if they can help out. If you are using a web development agency, you could ask them, as most agencies have at least a basic understanding of SEO as well – the good ones do.`

    Plugin Support devnihil


    We are going ahead and marking this issue as resolved due to inactivity. If you require any further assistance please create a new issue.

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