• Resolved paulloaderadi


    On one of the websites I have built, every time a customer tries to leave a review, the plugin is flagging it as spam and says it cannot post the review. I have tested this and it is also doing it to me. Can someone please tell me a work around for this or how to disable the spam filter?

    I have used the tools section to check for errors and got the following…

    [2024-06-13 22:54:04] INFO [Modules\Validator\ValidatorAbstract:48] The Honeypot caught a bad submission.
    [2024-06-13 22:54:18] INFO [Modules\Validator\ValidatorAbstract:48] The Honeypot caught a bad submission.
    [2024-06-13 22:57:36] INFO [Modules\Validator\ValidatorAbstract:48] The Honeypot caught a bad submission.
    [2024-06-27 16:15:11] INFO [Modules\Validator\ValidatorAbstract:48] The Honeypot caught a bad submission.
    [2024-06-27 17:52:55] INFO [Modules\Validator\ValidatorAbstract:48] The Honeypot caught a bad submission.
    [2024-06-27 17:53:12] INFO [Modules\Validator\ValidatorAbstract:48] The Honeypot caught a bad submission.
    [2024-06-27 18:03:22] INFO [Modules\Validator\ValidatorAbstract:48] The Honeypot caught a bad submission.
    [2024-06-27 18:09:40] INFO [Modules\Validator\ValidatorAbstract:48] The Honeypot caught a bad submission.
    [2024-06-27 18:12:21] INFO [Modules\Validator\ValidatorAbstract:48] The Honeypot caught a bad submission.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Gemini Labs


    You can disable the honeypot validation with a PHP code snippet like this:

    add_filter('site-reviews/validate/honeypot', '__return_true');

    As to why the honeypot is not working, try changing the Log Level on the Console page to “Level 0: Debugging” and see what the additional information that is logged says. It might help to track down the problem.

    Thread Starter paulloaderadi


    Thanks, changing the console did not work, but the php did 🙂

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