• Hey All

    I’ve made a rookie error when making Pages for my website, basically I’ve used the <h1></h1> tags for formatting without realising the SEO value.

    I now need to replace all the H1 tags with formatting tags but I don’t want to have to go through every single page to do this.

    Looking into a ‘Find and Replace’ option I found I could export the XML for the pages, this would allow me to use a text editor to do the job, but apparently there is no way to import these changes back into my site without duplicating posts or having the posts ignored because they already exist?

    Before I start messing about and breaking things I thought I’d ask what would be the best way of doing a find and replace on all these tags?

    Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided.

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  • Whether and how what you want is possible depends heavily on the theme, editor and/or PageBuilder you are using. Without knowing which one you are using, it is not possible to give you any specific advice. A link to your site could help you with this.

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