• I have been helping a friend develop a site where contractors grouped into specialty categories are submitted job requests by home owners and property managers. I was hoping to take the “easy way” out by using existing plugins like AWPCP & S2Member to quickly get a BETA version of the concept up and going to generate revenue in-order to have the capital to hire professional programers to build a more stable, custom solution. That was over a year ago. It is finally coming together and I am now doing the customization myself. The Achilles heel has always been the lack of a native and/or easily hacked plugin that would automate and filter the email alerts to the appropriate groups of contractors depending on the job category being submitted by the user. Somehow I missed this very functional, well maintained solution. It is perfect. I will note that one other issue was/is verifying the receipt of the notification emails which is crucial when charging for these notifications (i.e.: leads) and I was very surprised of the total lack of any type of email tracking and/or tracing system plugin. I own several travel online travel companies and have had to devise such systems to ensure clients received itineraries and maintain proof of such in case of dispute. So, in the interest of providing that potentially useful element to others who made need the same (as well as shameless self promotion) [ shameless self-promotion redacted ]

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