• Resolved Darkmaso


    I would like to filter the posts by category, showing only those belonging to both catogories.

    For example, if I write: category = "1,2"

    I see posts of categories 1 or 2. (boolean OR)

    Instead, is it possible to see only posts that are part of category 1 and 2? (boolean AND)

    Thank you.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author pluginandplay



    When you add the category parameter in the shortcode and pass the multiple category ids, then it will show the posts of respective categories.

    For eg : if you are using category="1" then plugin will show posts added in category id=1 and if you use category="1,2,3" then plugin will show all posts for category ids = 1,2,3

    Thread Starter Darkmaso


    Hello, thanks for the reply.

    With category = "1,2,3" I can filter all the posts that are part of the category 1 or 2 or 3.

    I wanted to ask if it was possible to filter only the posts that satisfy the condition of being part of the categories 1 and 2 and 3.

    For example.
    Post A = category 1,2
    Post B = category 1.3
    Post C = category 1,2,3

    With category = "1,2,3" I see all three posts.

    How can I filter only posts that are part of category 1 & 2 at the same time?
    I would like the result to show only Post A and Post C

    Is it possible?

    Plugin Author pluginandplay



    Sorry its not possible or i need to check in deep 🙂

    Plugin Author pluginandplay


    Hello @darkmaso

    Ok i have one solution where you can achieve this. I have made a small change in grid shortcode file the :
    blog-designer-pack –> includes –> Shortcodes –> bdp-post.php
    Open this file and go to line #90 where i have added a operator=> 'AND'

    Here is old code:

    if($cat != "") {		
    	$args['tax_query'] = array(
    			'taxonomy' 			=> BDP_CAT,
    			'field' 			=> 'term_id',
    			'terms' 			=> $cat,									

    Here is updated code:

    if($cat != "") {		
    		$args['tax_query'] = array(
    				'taxonomy' 			=> BDP_CAT,
    				'field' 			=> 'term_id',
    				'terms' 			=> $cat,
    				'operator'			=> 'AND',									
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by pluginandplay.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by pluginandplay.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by pluginandplay.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by pluginandplay.
    Plugin Author pluginandplay


    Hello @darkmaso

    Ok i have one solution where you can achieve this. I have made a small change in grid shortcode file the :
    blog-designer-pack –> includes –> Shortcodes –> bdp-post.php
    Open this file and go to line #90 where i have added a operator=> 'AND'

    Here is old code:

    if($cat != "") {		
    	$args['tax_query'] = array(
    			'taxonomy' 			=> BDP_CAT,
    			'field' 			=> 'term_id',
    			'terms' 			=> $cat,									

    Here is updated code:

    if($cat != "") {		
    		$args['tax_query'] = array(
    				'taxonomy' 			=> BDP_CAT,
    				'field' 			=> 'term_id',
    				'terms' 			=> $cat,
    				'operator'			=> 'AND',									
    Thread Starter Darkmaso


    Hi, I saw your second answer on the email. Here it does not appear.

    I can not find the “bdp-post.php” file in the “blog-designer-pack” folder. In fact, inside the plugin folder I do not have “blog-designer-pack”. Maybe because I installed the plugin directly from wordpress?

    But I understood the change you made, I think it could be something that you can add to the plugin. I find it very useful to filter categories using logical operators to show specific posts on different pages.

    Plugin Author pluginandplay


    Hello @darkmaso

    Can you please share the plugin that you are using with a screenshot (under plugin section)?

    Thread Starter Darkmaso


    Plugin Author pluginandplay



    Here you can find our plugin: https://screenshots.firefox.com/JO0KbdzX7D7UMG13/photos.google.com

    I have found that you are using lots of plugins BUT your FTP showing few plugins. Are you accessing right FTP?

    Plugin Author pluginandplay


    Hello @darkmaso

    Any update?

    Thread Starter Darkmaso


    Hi, I was working on it … I modified the .php file you indicated to me.
    Now I do not know what the correct shorcode is for testing it.

    I tried, without success …
    category = "1,2"
    category = "1&2"
    category = "1,&,2"
    category = "1"&"2"

    Thread Starter Darkmaso


    Hi, can you help me with the right syntax?

    Plugin Author pluginandplay


    Hi @darkmaso,

    Sorry for the delay.

    There will be no change in the shortcode and parameter.

    You have to pass categories like this comma separated

    So only those post will come which has category assigned 1 and 2.

    Kind Regards,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by pluginandplay.
    Thread Starter Darkmaso


    Hello, thanks for the reply. Now I understand, I had made a mistake.

    I modified the file you indicated correctly, but then on wordpress I used bdp_post_carousel instead of bdp_post.

    With bdp_post it works, but I wanted to use it with the carousel, I tried to copy the same code in the .php of the carousel, in line 108 but in this way the plugin got an error.

    Plugin Author pluginandplay



    If you open this file : bdp-recent-post-carousel.php then go to line no : 101 and check the code with if($cat != "") {

    Now under this if condition add one more line after 'terms' => $cat ie 'operator' => 'AND'

    So complete code will be:

    'taxonomy' 			=> BDP_CAT,
    'field' 			=> 'term_id',
    'terms' 			=> $cat,
    'operator'			=> 'AND',
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