• Hi everyone!

    Working with Ocean WP which I looooove, but sinds a few days suddenly the featured images on my home page, where all “blogs” (news articles) appear, have disappeared. I tried my old page ‘Latest news’, but there the featured images were also gone.
    And even weirder: only the first 4 blog posts have an image, the rest doesn’t. Really …

    OK I’m dumb :-), but what did I wrong here? Or is it maybe the latest WordPress update that messed my pictures up and does it need a new installation?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello,

    Visited the shared URL and getting the featured images of all the posts.
    Please try to clear the cache and your end and check.

    Create a short video for reference, please check.


    Looks like this was a temporary glitch with JetPack (the plugin serving the images on the site) that’s sorted itself now.

    When I checked yesterday, some of the images were definitely not displaying (their srcset were set to 1×1 px data URIs). But I can also see all the images now.

    OK, it looks like I spoke too soon: as I scroll further down the page, some thumbnails are still not appearing.

    @abhikr781: From your video, it seems you didn’t scroll all the way down. Can you please scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to see if all the posts will have thumbnails?


    Yes, you are right it is not showing at bottom area.

    Please try to disable the Jetpack plugin and check.

    If you have any cache/optimization plugin plugin, please disable them and check.

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