• This widget is so good I am using it 15 times on my site (I would rather use it once!)

    This is because the two fields

    * Limit to category
    * Limit to tag

    Do not have the option “same as current post”. If they did this widget would do everything I need from a “related posts” plugin as well as “recent posts”.

    I am willing to have a go at doing this (my first ever PHP development) or test someone else’s patch.

    * can you give me some pointers to how best to do this?


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  • Plugin Author Ga Satrya


    You read my mind 😀
    I actually working on a new plugin to display related post types(shortcode or widget to display it). But, I stop the development for a while because I’ve another important job 🙂

    Thread Starter xjamesb


    I will try to hack it myself (and feed you back the code) can you give me some hints?


    Plugin Author Ga Satrya


    Hmm.. if you modify the plugin code, you will lost your changes if you update the plugin

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