• cptmuesli



    I am really happy with lyte in the current state, it is easy to install, use and maintain. But to be compliant with german data protection laws, I need to add some consent text in the preview picture.
    Currently I have added it by modifying the php files, but an additional field below the option to cache youtube Thumbnails would be great.

    What did I do?

    inside wp-youtube-lyte.php:

    Add 2 classes to $lyte_css: (l. 581)

    .consent {
      text-align: center;
      padding: 90px 10px 50px 10px;
    .consent-text {
      text-align: center;
      background-color: #000000;
      color: #FFF;
      height: auto;

    Add following part to $lytetemplate: (l.364, 370)

    <div class="consent">
      <p> <span class="consent-text"> 
        This is a disclaimer.

    I’ll provide a correct text as soon as I have one.

    The result looks like this: https://pasteboard.co/cEhSASI8IUgx.png

    I have never contributed to a wp-plugin before, so I have no Idea about the architecture or how to contribute. But if you could add the possibility to display some text there (below the video is not enough as far as I know) it should be compliant with data protection rights.

    This would be great because Lyte is the only plugin which does not force me to add an cookie banner to the website.

    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by cptmuesli.
Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    so why don’t you add disclaimer text in the “Text to be added under every LYTE video” field @cptmuesli ?

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    If the problem of the disclaimer is with the position underneath the video; that is fixable with some CSS as well by the way, quick and dirty example in below screenhost on imgur;

    View post on imgur.com

    Thread Starter cptmuesli


    Hi @optimizingmatters,

    I am currently clarifying with our data protection officer how “active informed consent” is interpreted. If we have a clear point, I’ll tell you what exactly is required. This should be in a few days.

    Underneath the video is too low, it must at least be above the play button, so that the user notices it before he clicks play. But the css hack looks better than my solution and should replace my php changes.

    Thread Starter cptmuesli


    Okay I have a precise problem description now:

    The reasoning is: An user presses the play button to watch a video, not to consent to data protection agreements. So we need to add a consent button before the user can play the video. Is it possible to add this as an overlay? I will provide a suiting text (in German and English) if necessary.

    My js/web development skills are not good enough to provide the corresponding code.

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    only thing I can propose is this -again ugly- CSS hack to replace the play button I’m afraid;

    View post on imgur.com

    Thread Starter cptmuesli


    For now I took the hacks and cleaned it up a littile.

    • removed the .lyte:hover .play{background-position:0 -65px}
    • edited the gray play button from lytesprite to just be empty.

    And the result looks acceptable.

    If you are interested in supporting this, here are the code snipplets:

    <div class="consent"> 
      <p><span class="consent-text"> 
        I agree to have content from Youtube displayed to me.
    <div class="play">
      <p class="consent-button-text">Okay</p>


    .consent-text {
     color: white;
    .consent {
     padding:135px 10px 50px 10px
    .lyte .play {
     background-image:url(bU + button_empty.png);
     line-height: 63px;
     text-align: center;
    .consent-button-text {
     color: white;
     vertical-align: middle;
    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    good job, but do take into account that changes to the plugin files will get overwritten with every update. if you’re into PHP a bit you could use the lyte_match_postparse_template filter to alter the HTML output programmatically i.e. without having to change the HTML in wp-youtube-lyte.php, so that might be a better way?

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