• Hello Favorites plugin developers,

    Thank you for this fantastic plugin. I started using your plugin today on my site (an open-source poetry and prayer project) and have found it extremely useful. I’d like to suggest some features for upcoming iterations of the plugin.

    1) A “Remove from Favorites” label.

    I have the buttons added to my Favorites page, but it’s not clear to users that clicking on the button in the Favorites list will remove that favorite.

    2) Manual ordering of Favorites.

    On the Favorites page, a presentation of the list which allows users to organize their favorites by moving them up or down in the list.

    3) Sharing Favorites lists.

    I’d love my users to be able to share their list of favorites. If the lists are saved and associated with a user account, this would seem possible.

    4) Option to expand excerpts to full posts on the Favorites page

    I’d love for my users to be able to essentially remix their favorite posts so that they can print them all out together from their favorites page. In this way, they’d be able to make custom books of their favorite poems on my site.

    I’m sure these options would be relevant for other sites presenting other media besides text. I would gladly support development of these features.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Aharon. Reason: mis-spelling
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Aharon.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter Aharon


    For ordering/sorting the list elements in Favorites, I need to add an id to the <ul> (e.g. <ul id="sortable">. I’m looking through the Favorites code under “Entities\Favorite” and “Entities\FavoriteList” and I’m not seeing where I can add this id. Any help?

    Thread Starter Aharon


    I added id="sortable" to FavoriteListBase.php line 45:

    $this->list_options->wrapper_type = 'ul id="sortable"';

    But I think more will be necessary to get this to work. I’m looking to http://jqueryui.com/sortable/ for guidance but to make this work inside the Favorites plugin… I confess that I’m over my head.

    Any help is appreciated.

    Thread Starter Aharon


    I’ve got the sorting partially working at my site, https://opensiddur.org/favorites

    I’m able to drag and sort elements in the list, but after a few seconds, they switch back to the original order 🙁

    I’m using the custom HTML option and I added $this->list_options->wrapper_type = 'ul id="dragsort"'; to line 66 of FavoriteListBase.php

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Aharon.
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