• Resolved Aharon


    In case the following report may be helpful, our site experienced a fatal error after just updating to v.7.2.0.

    WordPress version 6.2.2
    PHP version 7.4.33

    Error Details
    An error of type E_PARSE was caused in line 133 of the file /home/…/…/…/wp-content/plugins/image-regenerate-select-crop/inc/iterator.php. Error message: syntax error, unexpected ‘die’ (T_EXIT), expecting identifier (T_STRING)

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  • Plugin Author Iulia Cazan



    Thanks for letting me know. I presume you run PHP < 8. Could it be possible for you to delete the plugin and install it again and let me know if that fixes it?



    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Iulia Cazan.
    Plugin Author Iulia Cazan


    Please install 7.2.1, there was a deployment issue. Let me know it this worked for you.

    Plugin Author Iulia Cazan


    I haven’t heard from you. I presume this is working now, so I am closing the item for now.

    Thread Starter Aharon


    Yes, all is well after v.7.2.1 — thank you!

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