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  • Thread Starter leogc


    Just for more Info:

    I have deactivated the WEBP tool for the moment.

    Plugin Support Kowsar Hossain


    Hi @leogc ,

    We greatly appreciate your report, and we apologize for any inconvenience you’ve experienced. While we are committed to resolve this issue, we are currently facing challenges in reproducing it on our end. To assist us in this investigation, could you kindly provide us with the following information:

    1. Which Operating System/Server architecture are you using? What version of PHP is installed? What is your web server (e.g., Apache, NginX, etc.)? You can find these information in the screenshot provided here, screenshot:

    2. What WebP conversion tools are available on your website? You can find this information in the screenshot provided here, screenshot:

    3. If you reset the WebP serving method manually by clicking on the ‘Reset WebP serving method’ button, does the issue get resolved? If you could test, kindly let us know. Here’s a screenshot for reference:

    4. If there have been any recent changes to your server, such as a PHP version upgrade, kindly let us know.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Thread Starter leogc


    Maybe you did not read the message correctly?

    See this line here:

    Required iMagick extension is not available. in XXX/wp-content/plugins/wp-optimize/vendor/rosell-dk/webp-convert/src/Convert/Converters/Imagick.php:44

    For this looks like that your PlugIn is trying to get something from itself in a folder which is not existing. Or i am wrong? And if so why your plug in is doing itself as reference for the missing part?

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    iMagick is a php extensions which you can normally enable in your hosting. It is normally located by going to the php version number and then you should see a list of modules which you can enable/disable, you just need to check it to enable it. You can also ask your hosting if you are unsure

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