• Resolved ritschi63


    Hi Support

    after upgrading to version 7.13.4 I get a Fatal error on all pages with Maxbuttons

    Fatal error: Cannot declare class ScssPhp\ScssPhp\Base\Range, because the name is already in use in /install/path/confederates-chapter.ch/public_html/wp-content/plugins/maxbuttons/assets/libraries/scssphp/src/Base/Range.php on line 19

    Pulldown menus are not working anmyore, the page changed the size from orientation landscape to protrait and the text changed from vertical to horizontal.

    I de-installed the plugin and installed it new, but the same issue again. So I had to fallback to version 7.13.3
    I have more than 300 buttons active on our pages

    How can I fix this issue?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Bas Schuiling



    We use a library called SCSSPHP. In the plugin we check if it is already in use, and then include it .

    It looks like you are using another plugin that doesn’t do this check. If you have any other plugins doing something with CSS styling try to disable them and check if that helps.

    If you find the offending plugin please ask their support to include the standard check for this library.

    Same happened here as my provider hasn’t upgraded the php version.

    How can I download version 7.13.3?

    Plugin Author Bas Schuiling


    You can download it here – https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/maxbuttons.7.13.3.zip

    However I strongly don’t recommend doing this. It might stop working with newer WordPress versions, or other issues might appear.

    Our minimum PHP version is, like WordPress, 5.6 If your host can’t provide that, I would find a new one. Anything under PHP version 7 is seriously outdated.

    Thread Starter ritschi63


    Hi Bas

    I investigated a lot of time and tested and tested with all installed plugins for our webpage. Totally we have 48 plugins installed. I de-activated and de-installed all plugins step by step and tried severl times to upgrade maxButton to 7.13.4 and made a lot of rollbacks, but I could’t solve this issue. Allways the same issue.
    So my last chance was to replace all 346 MaxButtons on our page. Sorry for that, but I replaced it with another plugin.
    For your information: we have PHP 7.4


    Plugin Author Bas Schuiling


    I’m fine with that, but still for other people reading this:

    – The latest version works with PHP 7.4
    – The issue is another plugin / theme(probably) not properly doing it’s checks, MB doesn’t load the library again when it’s already loaded
    – You should not have 350 buttons on any installation. Each design is one button, but for changing text / URL you use the shortcodes.

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