• I was not an early adopter of Gutenberg. However, I changed my view on things drastically during the past weeks. If I see how it improved and how we are getting more and more blocks in Gutenberg… just great!

    Like Matt mentioned at WCUS some days ago, there is currently no easy way to migrate content from the classic editor to Gutenberg. Unfortunately, this does not make it easier to adapt the block editor for everyone who is still using the classic editor.
    However, I think this can always be a good chance to do a redesign of your website, check older blog articles for updates, etc. Then why not use Gutenberg for that?

    Gutenberg is the future. It is great and will become better with each release.
    Thanks to everybody who is working on it.

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  • Plugin Author Tammie Lister


    @michih that’s great to see you’ve changed your view, what a journey you seem to have gone on. You underline a point about migration and one to work on. What feature would you really like to see?

    Thread Starter Michael Sutter


    @karmatosed I think it would be great to have a button called “Export blog posts (from classic editor)” or something like that at /wp-admin/edit.php.

    If you click on it, a separate view in the backend opens. It contains an option for the admin to select either some or all (1-n) blog posts to export. This file then contains the content of the selected blog posts done with the classic editor including all meta data such as title, date published, author, etc.

    Afterwards, I imagine to have another button at /wp-admin/edit.php named “Import blog posts (for the block editor)” which makes it possible to import the same file again and the magic (migration process from classic to block) happens in the background.

    This could be one approach.
    Or a different approach (maybe “easier”) without the need of an export: Just have a button for blog posts saying “Migrate content from classic to block editor”.
    The same for wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=page.

    In my opinion, the lack of having such an option is a big obstacle for people getting familiar easily with the new editor.

    Thirdly, instead of putting that into core, it might be a good idea to have a separate plugin for that process.

    What do you think?

    Plugin Author Tammie Lister


    Interesting idea. I haven’t thought too much about the how, but I thought it could be good to start the discussion over on GitHub about this. Would you be interested in creating an issue there or if not, I can for you: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/new?template=Feature_request.md

    Thread Starter Michael Sutter


    Hey Tammie

    Glad you like it – here is the feature request I just opened:

    Thanks a lot

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