• Resolved shrewdies


    I’ve had 2 fake Google crawler alerts on a new website that is served via CloudFlare.

    I find it hard to believe that CloudFlare are generating this kind of fake access, but that is not the real issue. There are 3 related problems:

    1) Fake Google crawler alerts are not included in the admin alert email, so the only way I know about them is if I check the blocked IP screen in Wordfence (or now, the new Dashboard Widget).

    2) I want to whitelist the CloudFlare servers, but the process is very tedious. For example, I have an alert for, and the whois lookup tells me this is part of a range: – That range should be referred to as, but Wordfence will not accept it as a valid range, so the only alternative is to add separate ranges for 173.245.48.[0-255],173.245.49.[0-255] etc, which is very time-consuming.

    3) A minor point, but blocked IPs remain on the new dashboard after being unblocked.

    Sorry to sound as if I’m moaning, but if you could address these issues in an upcoming release, or suggest a workround, I’d be very grateful.


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  • I will make a note to add the fake crawler alert to the emails.

    Any reason why you aren’t adding Cloudflare ips as 173.245.[48-63].[0-255]?

    not sure about the blocked ips still showing in dashboard but as this is new, there may be a bug we didn’t catch in qa. Is there any caching on your site at all?

    Moan all you want. This is how we make things better. 🙂


    Thread Starter shrewdies


    Thanks for your pending action on the fake crawler alert.

    Thanks for pointing out that alternative way for IP ranges.

    I’m 99% sure that all the chaching is disabled/cleared, but I’ll keep an eye on it after every reboot (only a fool is ever 100% certain about caches)

    Thanks for making things better – you’re very good at it.

    🙂 Thanks!


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