• Resolved Maximus010



    I have been trying to change the information, like title and description, for Facebook and Twitter. See image: http://imgur.com/a/rDptZ The probleem seems to be on the whole website but this is the page i use for this example: http://www.sleepboothaven.nl/schepen-en-museum/stoomzeesleper-furie/

    Afther using de debugger tool from Facebook i managed to change the photo. But the other two don’t seem to work.

    When using the debugger tool from Facebook, this is the error i still get http://imgur.com/1hgh4AJ.

    Like i said. With the debugger tool i managed to get the picture right, but i cant get the title and descreption working. Anyone any ideas? Help would be much appreciated.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Maximus010.
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  • Plugin Support amboutwe


    After reviewing the code for your site, you are outputting multiple copies of the OpenGraph tags. This can cause problems when sharing content as Facebook will not always pull the data entered in our plugin.

    Please disable plugins or theme functions that add OpenGraph tags. If you are unsure what is adding the additional tags, please run a conflict check following the steps here: How To Check For Plugin Conflicts

    Thread Starter Maximus010


    Thank you very much.

    I followed the steps and disabled a few plugings. Eventually i found out that the theme also uses OpenGraph tags. Luckly i could disable this in the theme options.

    It all works fine now. Thank you.

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