• Hello!

    I have the wellness pro theme. I installed the genesis simple share after having much trouble with jetpack, but for some reason the facebook and pinterest icons don’t show up, all other icons show normally. It doesn’t even show on the actual simple share setting page, it gives me the option to include them but won’t show on preview.

    I’ve disabled jetpack social share to make sure that wasn’t the problem.

    I don’t have any blog posts yet but you can see the issue on this page:

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by caroldm.
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  • Did you get an answer to this? I have the same problem with the Hello Pro theme.

    I found out what was causing this problem for me and wanted to post the answer in case somebody else hits upon this thread…

    In my case the issue was that I was running the Privacy Badger browser plugin (https://www.eff.org/privacybadger). When I disabled it for my test site, the missing icons appeared!

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