• Resolved netguru888


    Hi, extra labels were found appearing at the bottom of the single product page, please view the link. Thanks!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author ILLID



    Looks like the problem is in the current page layout.

    Please tell me the name of your current WordPress theme. Also – are you using any page builders to customize this page?


    Thread Starter netguru888



    I am using Astra Pro theme with Elementor basic.

    The single product page is default out of the box, no modifications were made to it.

    Plugin Author ILLID



    One more question – have you made any changes for Hooks option from the plugin settings page? Can you give me a screenshot of it?


    Thread Starter netguru888


    Here is the screenshot pls, I believe they are in the default settings.

    See image: https://postimg.cc/64QjPfdY

    Plugin Author ILLID


    Please try to remove that additional hook from Hooks option and check labels one more time.

    Thread Starter netguru888


    Solved, thanks!

    • This reply was modified 2 weeks ago by netguru888.
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