• Hi, im a bit of a newbie so forgive me… but Ive just installed WordPress on my new server and want to export the newsitems from my old installation (on a different server) and import them onto my new wordpress on the new server…

    Just after a idiot proof guide really whats the best way to do it?

    These details are from my old server if anyone needs them to help me:

    Server version: 4.1.21-standard
    Protocol version: 10
    Server: Localhost via UNIX socket
    User: mj@localhost
    MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)

    phpMyAdmin –
    MySQL client version: 4.1.21
    Used PHP extensions: mysql

    …and these from my new server:

    Welcome to phpMyAdmin 2.5.7-pl1
    MySQL 4.0.20-standard

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