• Resolved rosbiffer


    I’ve had a load of spam form submissions whilst I tried to get reCaptcha working (which it now is) so I was hoping I’d be able to export those form submissions to get the IP addresses to add to the blacklist. When I visit the page to export the form submissions report it exports the csv file with a column for IP address but with nothing in that column (nor browser).

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support RegistrationMagic Support


    Hi @rosbiffer,

    Our team is looking into this. Could you please let us know if the issue is occurring with only the reports CSV, or the submissions export CSV from Inbox as well.

    Thread Starter rosbiffer


    No, only the reports CSV seems to be affected – inbox export seems fine.

    Plugin Support RegistrationMagic Support


    Hi @rosbiffer,

    We reviewed the report CSV from your form. The IP for the actual form submission is appearing in it. However, for the spam form submissions, it looks like these were done through some automated process where the form URL wasn’t opened through a browser. Hence the IP is not visible for them.

    Going forward, you can delete these spam form submissions and keep the reCaptcha active. That will be sufficient in preventing any such form submissions from coming in without the need to block any IP.

    Thread Starter rosbiffer


    Ah that makes sense, thank you

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