• Okay, I just thought I’d throw this out there to the WordPress community – I’m a designer and not that knowledgeable when it comes to the more technical side (ie. databases, tables) so hopefully someone can help me out.

    I am using a business directory plugin on one domain, in which over 200 businesses have been added. Now, I want to move this info/data/plugin over to a new domain and I do not want to have to re-key/re-input the businesses – I’m sure there must be a way to export this data, then import it, similar to the way you can with posts/categories/tags etc. using the ‘tools/export/import’ feature.

    The folks who created the plugin have taken a hiatus unfortunately (I have tried to contact them) and this is the last thing I need to do before launching my new website. Their documentation doesn’t deal with this issue.

    From what I can tell, it seems this data is stored in the WP database and/or a ‘table’ which I don’t know much about.

    Can anyone explain if it’s possible to move a database or table from one install of wordpress over to another one under a different domain? I don’t think the database will work because I don’t want to overwrite anything at the new website – I just want those business listings from the business directory plugin moved over – I already have the plugin installed at the new website ready to go….

    Any suggestions or explanations or possible solutions would be appreciated. FYI, the plugin is here: http://businessdirectory.squarecompass.com/


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