• Resolved Feather


    i want to set a condition, for a product that has been on sale, and the sale has ended, it should then get a custom label, like “Expired”, but not for a product that has never been on sale (this is very useful for a deal website)

    is this possible?

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  • Plugin Author ILLID



    Well I’m afraid that it is not possible by default – as I know WooCommerce doesn’t store inside a product meta any information about previous sales, so the AWL plugin just doesn’t have any data to decide whether to show or not product labels.

    What you can do is to write a custom code snippet that will store inside the product meta special field when product sale is ended and then inside AWL PRO display conditions option set new rules based on this meta field. But in order to do this you need to have some coding skills.


    Thread Starter Feather


    ok this is a bit helpful

    I will create a custom field to determine if the product was previously on sale, but how can I make a label depend on this field?

    Plugin Author ILLID


    If you are using a PRO plugin version – you can add label display condition based on product custom field – https://prnt.sc/BMugWqPE1QTe

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