• Resolved diana2ke


    Hi, I’m using Elementor and I would like to use the plugin for in-page search only. Problem is header and footer content is used also for search. How can I exclude header and footer and keep only the page content itself?

    Thank you, great plugin, I was looking for such a search for a long time.

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  • Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @diana2ke

    Thank you very much for using our plugin. On the plugin configuration page, the “Search in page selectors” attribute allows you to enter the selectors of the tags in which you want the plugin to search for results:

    For example, assuming the pages’ contents on your website are included between a pair of <article></article> tags, you can enter article in the “Search in page selectors” attribute.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter diana2ke


    Thank you very much, it works just perfect!

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