• Overall this is fantastic and offers some easy to use customizations with shortcode. Well done, thank you!!

    The only thing I’d like to see in the future is the ability to exclude @’s to other users. You can already disable replies which is great, but I’d like to suppress conversations I start with other users.

Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Plugin Author Wolfgang


    Interesting idea! I liked it so much that a new option to do exactly that is now available with version 1.9.0

    Thread Starter nickthewright


    Outstanding!! Thanks so much!

    Thread Starter nickthewright


    Hmm, I just installed the new version and setting excludeConversationStarters=”true” kills my whole feed, instead of just the one entry that starts with an @ to another user. (Site is https://og.treadingground.com – feed is on the right)

    Plugin Author Wolfgang


    Can you send me the shortcode you are using? You can DM me at @w101@mastodon.social

    Plugin Author Wolfgang


    I grabbed the info I needed from your website. The problem is that the mastodon API only returns the last 20 (or less if you set a limit) statuses. Because you are excluding conversation starters and replies there are no posts that can be displayed. I’ll add some text if no posts are available though with the next release to indicate that to the website visitor.

    Plugin Author Wolfgang


    Nevermind… and sorry for spamming your post here 🙂
    There should be some posts showing up…. what I said is only true if your last posts all were conversation starters… which is not the case.

    Bugfix incoming

    Plugin Author Wolfgang


    Thanks again for bringing this to my attention. Update 1.9.1 fixes this issue and is now available

    Thread Starter nickthewright


    Awesome, thanks again!

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