• Resolved sudhu1


    recently I updated the evolve theme to newer version. It messed up my existing site and gave fatal error. So I restored my site to older version when it was working. Recovery didn’t recover my site completely. Now the links under menu are broken. When you click on the menu items it says fatal error.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Theme Author Evgeny Viner


    Hi. It seems that your theme version is very, very old, before the big overhaul we’ve had years ago. Updating from it messes up the website, this is why updating regularly is important. The error that shows on your website points that the function evolve_get_post_id() isn’t defined, which means that your installation is corrupted. You should either attempt to restore again in full, or reinstall the newest version again and rebuild the messed up parts. In the process, don’t forget to create a new child theme, if you want to keep using it. There’s no other way, unfortunately.

    Same Problem in my website how to sloved please know me


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