• Resolved mathandscienceclub


    I’m stunned. After taking the entire week to build out this site, everything I’ve done so far is now gone after Elementor auto-update. I’ve never enabled auto-update before, and man alive am I regretting it. I’m trying not to panic, hopefully there is a resolution for this. The thought of starting over after struggling so much to figure out how to make simple changes in the first place is beyond discouraging.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support enmanueldiaz



    It’s possible that the Containers Experiment feature was deactivated. If you built your site using containers and deactivated this feature, the content may disappear. However, you can reactivate it, and everything should reappear. You can find it here in your WP dashboard.

    Elementor > Settings > Features

    There you can see all the experiments and if they are active.

    Additionally, you can reach out to your hosting provider and inquire about restoring from a backup. It’s rare for any plugin update to delete all your website content. Please check that your pages, plugins, and themes are still intact. If they are, the content should still be present as well, but it’s possible that something is blocking it.

    If you have Elementor Pro, please create a ticket so we can provide assistance. If not, your hosting provider may be able to assist in recovering the content.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter mathandscienceclub


    Thank you for your reply, I deeply appreciate it. All features are set to default, but I do see where I can go back to a prior version of the site through my host.

    Perhaps this is a painful lesson yet a blessing in disguise because with this clean slate, I can try to start over with WordPress block editor instead. I am much too inexperienced to be vulnerable to this sort of thing happening again with a 3rd party website design plugin.

    Plugin Support Joel



    Thanks for reaching out! 

    Thank you for your message. We are glad to hear you solved the issue. 

    I recommend our academy where you can learn more about Elementor.


    I am here to support you through this challenging situation. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reach out.

    Best regards,

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