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  • Plugin Support wfscott


    Hello, @summerisbound

    Can you confirm this is occurring on the default WordPress wp-login.php login/registration or is it related to a membership plugin or custom login flow?

    Wordfence’s reCaptcha was built to work specifically with the default login and registration, and more recently, with WooCommerce. If you’re using it with another plugin or a custom login page, that can cause issues such as this. In cases where you’re using a membership plugin or a customized login page, we do not recommend having the reCaptcha enabled if you’re running into conflicts.

    Also, if 2FA is enabled for the user, there should be no verification required as well, so that is something to consider.


    Hi @wfscott

    I’m having the same issue as above.

    I can confirm this occurs when using the default WP login page, I don’t use any customisation or membership plugins.

    I don’t have 2FA set for users currently as it confuses my customers! However on checking the My Account page of my site, that seems to work OK and no verification is required.

    This never happened before until I updated to 7.5.5 about 10 days ago.

    Thanks in advance


    Plugin Support wfscott


    Hello, @sophie0imogen

    Per forum rules, can you please input a new topic for the issue you’re having? We will be happy to give you a hand there. You can do so by going to and then clicking the Create Topic button.


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