• Resolved cmqcmq


    Hi there,

    first let me express my gratitude for this awesome free plugin and its excellent documentation – if only all plugins were so straightforward to configure! I really enjoyed to experiment with the various designs.

    What I’m missing is an ultra-compact calendar design, showing only the dates, without description, but highlighted for dates that have an event (or several). Hover or click would then reveal the event/s.

    Here you can find a screenshot of how it could look: https://mehlcloud.de/index.php/s/PsC3XLN9dBbmioe

    Would that be possible?

    Thanks again and continue your great work – you guys are fantastic!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author room34


    Thanks for using ICS Calendar! What you are describing is almost exactly the widget view in the Pro version. You can see a demo of that view here:


    Thread Starter cmqcmq


    Indeed – that would be the good shape!

    But first, I can’t use a widget for my purpose, I need it in the page. And second, I can’t afford the Pro version, usage is for a not-for-profit social project page. Would be great to have this shape in the parameters section …

    Besides, in the German version, there is a display error, see here: https://mehlcloud.de/index.php/s/c4DyMisbWEobEDt


    Plugin Author room34


    It’s called “widget” view because it works well in widgets, but it’s a regular shortcode-based view like the ones in the free version, and it can be used anywhere that you can place a shortcode.

    I’m sorry that the Pro version is not a suitable option for you. I’ve tried to give it a reasonable price for all users. A lot of development work has gone into this plugin and I need to make it a viable product.

    That error you’re seeing is something caused by the GTranslate plugin I’m using for on-the-fly translation of the ICS Calendar website, not anything in the ICS Calendar plugin itself.

    I’m going to close this ticket and mark it as resolved, as we are not supposed to provide support for paid plugins in these forums, and we’re kind of venturing into that territory here.

    Thanks again for your interest in ICS Calendar!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by room34.
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