• Resolved metricmedia


    When I click the button to download a backup I get this message:

    Error: Download failed

    • The email protocol does not allow a remote backup to be retrieved from an email that has been sent. Therefore, please download the attachment from the original backup email and upload it using the “Upload backup files” facility in the “Existing Backups” tab.

    We have updraft set to back up daily and retain 15 backups. I see the backups when I FTP to the site.

    We also have it set to email backups, but I’m not asking it to retrieve from a sent email. The message implies the backup is no longer there but it is.

    Is there some other way to be able to download a backup or is this just something that doesn’t work because it thinks I sent the backup via email and did not retain it? In which case I wonder why there’s even a download button at all.

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  • Plugin Support pbevanudp



    If you select email as the remote storage location, you will need to download the backup directly from the email attachment and you won’t be download it directly through the Existing backups section unless you first upload it using the Existing backups >> Upload backup files widget.

    If you have selected FTP as a remote storage location, you should be able to download the backups in the Existing backups section by clicking them.

    Thread Starter metricmedia


    I mean FTPing to the WordPress site, going to wp-content/updraft and downloading from there. We aren’t FTPing remotely.

    Is it not possible to just download the backup from the WordPress site when logged in via WP admin?

    Plugin Support pbevanudp


    Thanks for clarifying that – Yes if you are retaining local backups and they are present in the updraft folder, they should appear in the Existing backups section and be downloadable. Please can you try clicking the Rescan local folder for new backup sets link under the Existing backups section. Does this fetch the backups?

    Thread Starter metricmedia


    They do appear in the existing backups section. I tried rescanning and there’s no visible change. And clicking on the “Database” button under “Backup data (click to download)” continues to generate the same error.

    Plugin Support pbevanudp


    Can you try downloading the backups manually to your desktop using FTP from the updraft folder – then delete the corresponding entries from Existing backups.

    Once they have been deleted, upload the backups to the Updraft folder and then click Rescan local folder for new backup sets.

    This does not explain why new backups are not being tracked however – are you able to share log file of a backup run using pastebin.com please?

    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by pbevanudp.
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