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  • Plugin Support Syde Niklas


    Hi @fox-didl,

    The DUPLICATE_INVOICE_ID error suggests that the order has already been previously created and paid for.
    The current checkout form field validation order may be related to this to a certain degree:
    But so far, we are not seeing a way to consistently reproduce the error.
    The capture payment call only occurs after WooCommerce could successfully create the WooCommerce order though, so at that point, the checkout validation has already been passed, but the checkout/cart page may not have been updated properly for the buyer.

    I could see a potential plugin conflict being involved with this, so a copy of your WooCommerce system report would be appreciated.
    You can share it either here in the forums or privately with us from here:

    Kind regards,

    I also got this error.

    When on Checkout page PayPal payment fails with “Something went wrong…”

    Trieing it for the second time i got an Duplicate Invoice ID error

    Plugin Support Syde Joost



    since we did not receive any response or follow-up questions from you, we will assume you got this working to your requirements. If you still have any more questions for us, please open a new thread, because we will mark this one as resolved.

    pogotime, if you still have this issue, please open a thread for your instance. Every case is different and we don’t want to mix up cases.

    Kind regards,

    I have the exact same issue. 3 out of my last 5 orders failed and gave the same error. I’m awaiting word from Paypal tech support, any luck here?

    Same issue here. We have a minimal amount of plugins installed so I am not sure it’s a plugin conflict. Not all orders are affected, but many of them are.

    Hello, I ended up contacting PayPal tech support and they said it’s a failsafe that prevents duplicate orders. You have to go into your PayPal account settings (don’t remember where exactly) and disable “prevent duplicate transactions”. It worked for me, haven’t had this issue since!

    Thread Starter fox-didl


    To only way we found was in replacing the plugin and since that moment we don’t have any problems with PayPal anymore. Never found out, where the cause for this is.

    Plugin Support Syde Joost



    the solution @1stwebdesigns is mentioning is related to the following seting:

    1. Log in to your Business PalPal account (
    2. Go to the Payments Preferences section
    3. Under the “Block accidental payments:” section, select the option “No, allow multiple payments per invoice ID”

    Hopefully this will help you resolve the issue. If you require additional support, please open a new thread.

    Kind regards,

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