Every time I am trying to use either MIN or MAX in a formula I get the error below.

    “There appears to be a problem with the formula.”

    I get this every time when validating.

    See the screenshots below.

    ERROR when using MAX: https://prnt.sc/1zcv4pl

    NO ERROR when deleting MAX: https://prnt.sc/1zcwfbr

    All formulas work except when using MIN and MAX

    Can you help?

    I am using latest version of Gravity Forms Version 2.5.14, MIN/MAX plugin .4.1, latest version of WordPress 5.8.2, WooCommerce Version 4.7.2

    Are there any known bugs that are creating problems with this plugin??


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  • Plugin Author George Mandis


    Hi Luis,

    I believe something in the latest version(s) of Gravity Forms has changed and this plugin is no longer compatible. I’ve received a few support items similar to yours.

    I’m afraid my best advice at this point would be to explore alternative plugin options like “Math” by GravityView:


    Unfortunately, I don’t have the bandwidth to update this plugin.

    I’m going to explore deprecating or removing the plugin, since it seems to be breaking and creating problems for people now.

    Sorry I could not be more help.


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