• Resolved alpha2



    Since last update i have few errors messages on sepa payment

    “message”: “SEPA Debit Sources used as a PaymentMethod have mandate information already stored. You cannot pass the mandate_data or mandate parameters. Please re-confirm without those parameters.”

    “type”: “invalid_request_error”

    Any idea?


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  • Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Hi @neoseeyou

    Is this occurring when a saved payment method is used?

    Kind Regards

    Thread Starter alpha2


    Not sure but i guess yes it could be

    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Hi @neoseeyou

    I’m not able to recreate so I need some more information from you.

    1. What type of product is this? (Subscription, regular product, pre-order etc)
    2. What is your Stripe account ID?
    3. Are you using the Universal Payment Method with SEPA or SEPA as stand-alone?

    Kind Regards



    we use this plugin in our dev site.
    when we try to do renewal using stripe credit card payment method we got this error log

    thrown in /var/www/elevatebio.com.au/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/woo-stripe-payment/includes/wc-stripe-functions.php on line 544
    [13-May-2024 07:28:22 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method WC_Payment_Token_CC::get_payment_method_title() in /var/www/elevatebio.com.au/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/woo-stripe-payment/includes/wc-stripe-functions.php:544

    this issue only happen on version 3.3.62 I just revert back to 3.3.60 to temporary make it work, please help to check

    Thread Starter alpha2


    @mrclayton :

    1. Happen on regular product
    2. Is it possible to send my Stripe ID to your email?
    3. I don’t use yet universal payment methods


    • This reply was modified 4 months ago by alpha2.
    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Thread Starter alpha2


    Email sent !

    By the way, what is the benefit of using Universal Payment Methods ?

    Thread Starter alpha2


    We try with the customer and the problem occur. The sepa is saved into his account, so in the checkout, we choose saved Sepa account to pay the order

    Thread Starter alpha2


    once downgrade to 3.3.60, problem is solve

    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Hi @neoseeyou

    We’ve done some more testing and it looks like this is partly because Stripe has deprecated the use of src_ payment methods in the Payment Intent API. Here is the error message that occurs once the reported error is resolved regarding the mandate_data:

    Using a SEPA Debit Source in the payment_method field has been deprecated and is no longer a valid integration path. Please migrate your Source objects to PaymentMethods using the Dashboard migration tooling here: https://dashboard.stripe.com/sources-migration

    We’ve contacted Stripe to get a better explanation of what this means and what steps need to be taken.

    Kind Regards

    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    This should be resolved in version 3.3.70.

    Thread Starter alpha2


    thank you !

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