• Resolved goala2016


    Good afternoon, I have a small problem with duplicator, I have used a lot of its plugin, and it is perfect, it works perfectly, but lately I have encountered a small problem, when I do a migration from one server to another server everything is Ok , But I currently have a VPS server of its own, and when I do a migration from one domain account to another within the same server the files and files permissions are modified, they are placed in 666 and 777 instead of 644 and 755, you know What can that do?

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  • It maybe the way the user groups are setup on that server. I would just contact your host and they should be able to setup the groups to support the format you want… The lite version of the plugin doesn’t have any control of permissions.

    Hope that helps~

    I have the same problem. I never had this problem until recently.

    I can verify that all files are 644 and all folders are 755 at the time I create the Duplicator Pro package.

    After uploading and running the installer, it stops with a 500 error after unpacking the archive. When I examine the unpacked files, all of the 644 file permissions are now 666. All of the folder permissions are still correctly 755.

    I don’t understand how this is a function of my hosting setup.
    I can manually create a file through CPanel and it has the correct permission of 644.

    I found the solution. It is referenced in this article under Installer Tips: https://snapcreek.com/duplicator/docs/faqs-tech/#faq-trouble-055-q

    However, in the newer version of Duplicator Pro, the file permissions are under the Options section. Although the defaults are set to Files=644 and Directories=755, you must check the box next to them to activate.

    Thread Starter goala2016



    On both version of the plugin the permissions are not controlled by the plugin. This typically is inherited by the FTP or cPanel user that was used to upload the files. The Pro version has the option to try and change them after extraction, but this is only if the PHP process owner has access to to run the PHP chmod command. For the free version you will need to change the permissions on the server or via FTP.

    Hope that helps~

    Another easy solution
    from root command AFTER you duplicated your website

    root: cd /var/www/html
    root: cd yourwebsite.com
    root: find . -type f -perm 755 -exec chmod 644 {} \;

    (apply this command when you are in the root folder of your domain!!!)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by razvancs.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by razvancs.
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