• Resolved xavi74


    At the checkout of the cart, in the last step when I click on “PLACE ORDER”, with the test bank account, a red box with a triangle with an exclamation appears at the top and next to it it says “null is not an object (evaluating ‘e.submit’)»

    Does anyone know what that is?
    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hi there @xavi74,

    I have managed to get it working.

    I’m glad to hear you’ve managed to get it working.

    I would like to know how to edit the content of the invoice

    If you are referring to the email sent to your customer, you can edit that from WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > Completed order.

    Let us know if you have further questions.

    Thread Starter xavi74


    But is there a plugin to edit it visually?
    It is difficult for me in code format.

    Plugin Support omarfpg (woo-hc)


    Hi @xavi74,

    I have managed to get it working.

    Thank you so much for the update! Would you be able to tell us so we can learn more about the issue and the fix? This can help others in the community who may face the same issue as you in the future and come looking for help in this thread.

    But is there a plugin to edit it visually?

    We recommend MailPoet. Using its drag-and-drop editor, you can customize WooCommerce emails to match your brand. Plus, win back customers with abandoned cart emails or automated follow-ups.

    You can also explore alternatives in the plugin repository.


    Thread Starter xavi74


    Fixing it was nothing special, I simply set up my Stripe account correctly and it worked without any problems.
    Now I’ve managed to get the invoice with the Challan plugin but I have a couple of woocommerce related problems.
    The invoice that Challan generates does not show the buyer’s VAT number because this field does not exist in the purchase form and (at least in Spain) the buyer’s VAT number is essential for the invoice to be valid.

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by xavi74.
    Plugin Support RK a11n


    Hey @xavi74

    Thanks for elaborating on that 🙂

    The invoice that Challan generates does not show the buyer’s VAT number because this field does not exist in the purchase form and (at least in Spain) the buyer’s VAT number is essential for the invoice to be valid

    This would be a question for the developers of the Challan plugin as WooCommerce doesn’t have any direct control over the fields they’re including in their invoice plugin. If you’re wondering, their support channel is available at: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/webappick-pdf-invoice-for-woocommerce/

    Hope it helps!

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