• Resolved xavi74


    At the checkout of the cart, in the last step when I click on “PLACE ORDER”, with the test bank account, a red box with a triangle with an exclamation appears at the top and next to it it says “null is not an object (evaluating ‘e.submit’)»

    Does anyone know what that is?
    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hey, @xavi74! Thanks for the screenshot and the report.

    If you click on Gestionar next to WooPayments you will see a section called Payments accepted on checkout. Can you please check if you enabled Credit / Debit card there?

    If not, please enable it, save the changes and check if the error message still shows.

    If they are already enabled, please let us know so we can assist you further.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Thread Starter xavi74


    It is activated as you can see in the picture.
    It has always been activated, from the beginning.

    Thread Starter xavi74


    There is a problem with the card payment method because the form shows me these 2 errors from the beginning.
    I understand that the second one is a consequence of the first one.

    Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


    Hello xavi74

    Thank you for your reply.

    I visited your site and went to the checkout page.
    I noticed that the Stripe script is not loading because there is something wrong with the Content Security Policy configuration.

    Normally, this is handled automatically by WordPress but in your case, it seems the configurations are being modified either by a plugin or the active theme.

    To find out what is causing you must perform a conflict test.
    Please note that switching your theme to a default theme like Storefront or Twenty Twenty-four is safe. After the conflict test, you can switch back to the original theme and you will get the layout back as it was.

    Please let me know about your findings. 🙂

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter xavi74


    Thanks for the info,
    Before I risk touching the template, is there any other plugin for paying by credit card that doesn’t use Stripe?

    Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hi @xavi74,

    Absolutely, there are several other payment gateway plugins you can consider that don’t use Stripe. For instance, you might want to look into WooCommerce PayPal Payments, WooCommerce Square, just to mention a few.

    Each of these offers credit card processing, and they all have their own unique features. Please make sure to check their documentations to see which one suits your needs best.

    Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any further assistance!

    Thread Starter xavi74


    After discussing this issue with the template technical support at templatemonster they have not given me a solution because they don’t know where the problem comes from.
    I am desperate because the client is asking me for explanations and it is normal given that the website should have been finished some time ago and it cannot be put online if the shop with card payment does not work.

    Thread Starter xavi74


    I forgot to mention that the people from templatemonster who have made the template for WooCommerce have tested several templates and all of them have given error. The error I attached earlier in this post.

    Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hello again @xavi74,

    I understand how frustrating this may be.

    However, as you’ve mentioned, all tested templates from templatemonster seem to have the same error you are facing. This therefore clarifies that the issue is with their templates and not our plugin.

    Could you try updating your WooCommerce to the latest stable version 8.7.0 and check again if the error persists?

    If it persists, I’m afraid you’ll have to pick a different for your client, as we do not provide support for third-party plugins/themes.

    All the best.

    Thread Starter xavi74


    My WooCommerce is now on 8.70 but the problem is still there.

    Plugin Support Shameem (woo-hc)


    Hi @xavi74,

    Our conversation in this thread seems to have gotten quite lengthy. Before I share a solution, I’d like to confirm the issue. Are you still experiencing the problems you explained here?

    Ocurrió un error al registrar el método de pago con el id woocommerce_payments: ReferenceError Stripe is not defined

    To ensure we’re in sync, could you confirm if your WooPayments account is active and set it up correctly, as detailed here? If everything is correct, then head over to WooCommerce → Status → Tools, and do the following:

    • WooCommerce transients – Clear
    • Expired transients – Clear
    • Clear template cache – Clear
    • Capabilities – Reset Capabilities
    • Clear customer sessions -Clear
    • Clear WooPayments account cache – Clear

    After doing the above things, remove the checkout block from your checkout page and add either a classic checkout block or the checkout shortcode. Keep in mind that you need to reconnect your WooPayments account again.

    Next, please clear your browser cache and try again.

    Let us know how that goes. Looking forward to helping you.

    Thread Starter xavi74


    Después de haber seguido todos tus pasos me sigue diciendo lo mismo

    Thread Starter xavi74


    The creator of the template tells me that he has tried several templates and woocommerce fails with all of them and you tell me that this is a problem with the template.
    You all get rid of the problem and nobody gives me a solution.

    Plugin Support omarfpg (woo-hc)


    Hi @xavi74,

    I can’t install the Storefront theme because the entire website is already done and I don’t want to change the entire template.

    The client does not want any other type of payment other than by credit card. That’s why I’m forced to do it like this.

    Before I risk touching the template, is there any other plugin for paying by credit card that doesn’t use Stripe?

    The creator of the template tells me that he has tried several templates and woocommerce fails with all of them and you tell me that this is a problem with the template.

    Since the templates are from the same developer it makes sense they all fail, as there must be something conflicting with their code and in this case they should be the ones to fix it.

    I just wanted to check if you’ve had the opportunity to try this with Storefront, even temporarily? Changing the theme will not make you lose your design work, you can revert to the previous theme at any time and you’ll find your site as you had it. You can also test this on a staging site to be extra sure.

    Alternatively, you can also try another Credit Card plugin, we offer a few more options besides Stripe, like WooPayments, Square, PayPal or Braintree.

    Please let us know.


    Thread Starter xavi74


    I have managed to get it working.

    Now I would like to know how to edit the content of the invoice, because the one sent by email is missing a lot of data.

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